I wrote this script a while back, and I’ve been using it on gentoo, ubuntu and centos distros with a few changes between each distro, this can be extended to add new functionality, and it may contain bugs, but so far it has worked for me pretty well, I can add/remove virtual hosts very quickly.
To use this script you only need the packages File::Path and Getopt::Long; both of them are already on newer distros, just put the script somewhere in your bin path, I have it in /usr/local/bin and call it with sudo.
ivan@orion:/var/www/vhosts$ sudo vhost-updater.pl --add --domain test.orion
This is the output:
Creating docroot dir: /var/www/vhosts/test.orion/public_html
Creating log dir: /var/www/vhosts/test.orion/logs
Site File: /etc/apache2/sites-available/test.orion
Creating Vhost...
Adding host test.orion
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 reload' to activate new configuration!
Restarting apache
* Restarting web server apache2
... waiting ...done.
Once it has finished, point your browser to http://test.orion, and you’re done.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# The purpose of this script is to add/remove #
# virtual hosts easily, this script runs #
# on Ubuntu/Debian withouth modifications. #
# #
# #
# Author Ivan Villareal ivaano@gmail.com #
# #
use strict;
use File::Path qw(mkpath rmtree);
use Getopt::Long;
our $ipAddress = '';
our $apacheConfigDir = '/etc/apache2';
our $sitesAvailable = 'sites-available';
our $docRootPrefix = '/var/www/vhosts';
our $docRoot = 'public_html';
our $logsDir = 'logs';
my $del = '';
my $add = '';
my $domain = '';
if (getpwuid( $< ) ne 'root') {
print "Script needs root privileges \n";
unless (GetOptions (
'del' => \$del,
'add' => \$add,
'domain=s' => \$domain) or usage()) {
#print $paramResults;
if ($add || $del) {
if ($domain) {
if ($add) {
} elsif ($del) {
} else {
} else {
sub usage {
print < <USAGE
This program will add or remove apache virtual hosts.
usage: vhost-updater.pl [--add | --del] --domain newhost.tld
sub returnVhostPaths
my $vhost = shift;
my @dir = split(/\//, $docRootPrefix);
my %res;
push(@dir, $vhost);
my $hostDir = join('/', @dir);
$res{'docRoot'} = $hostDir . '/' . $docRoot;
$res{'logsDir'} = $hostDir . '/' . $logsDir;
$res{'hostDir'} = $hostDir;
#todo dir validation
@dir = split(/\//, $apacheConfigDir);
push(@dir, $sitesAvailable);
push(@dir, $vhost);
$res{'apacheConfig'} = join('/', @dir);
return %res;
sub createVhost {
my $vhost = shift;
#first create the docRoot
my %vhostInfo = returnVhostPaths($vhost);
informOut("Creating docroot dir: $vhostInfo{'docRoot'}");
my $user = getlogin();
my $uid = getpwnam($user);
my $gid = getgrnam($user);
chown $uid, $gid, $vhostInfo{'hostDir'};
chown $uid, $gid, $vhostInfo{'docRoot'};
informOut("Creating log dir: $vhostInfo{'logsDir'}");
informOut("Site File: $vhostInfo{'apacheConfig'}");
my $vhostContent = << "EOF";
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName $vhost
DocumentRoot $vhostInfo{'docRoot'}
<directory $vhostInfo{'docRoot'}>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog $vhostInfo{'logsDir'}/error_log
CustomLog $vhostInfo{'logsDir'}/access_log "%h %l %u %t \\"%r\\" %>s %b \\"%{Referer}i\\" \\"%{User-agent}i\\""
LogLevel debug
informOut("Creating Vhost...");
open FILE, ">", $vhostInfo{'apacheConfig'} or die $!;
print FILE $vhostContent;
close FILE;
informOut("Adding host $vhost");
open FILE, ">>", '/etc/hosts' or die $!;
print FILE $ipAddress ."\t". $vhost ."\n";
close FILE;
my $output = `/usr/sbin/a2ensite $vhost`;
print $output;
#print $vhostConten t;
sub restartApache
informOut("Restarting apache");
my $output = `/etc/init.d/apache2 restart`;
print $output;
sub deleteVhost
my $vhost = shift;
my %vhostInfo = returnVhostPaths($vhost);
informOut("Removing $vhost from hosts file");
open IN, '< ', '/etc/hosts' or die $!;
my @hostsFile = <IN>;
close IN;
my @contents = grep(!/^\t$vhost/, @hostsFile);
open FILE, ">", '/etc/hosts' or die $!;
print FILE @contents;
close FILE;
my $output = `/usr/sbin/a2dissite $vhost`;
print $output;
informOut("Removing $vhostInfo{'apacheConfig'} file");
print " manually remove $vhostInfo{'docRoot'}... \n";
sub informOut {
my $message = shift;
print "$message \n";